Extracurriculars and College: What To Do?

October 16, 2019

Having just been through the college application process with two of our children and about to embark on it with the third, I have lived the complexity of choosing the ‘right’ extracurricular path. The struggle of figuring out how to partner with your child to leverage their ‘best’ self in support of the looming college application. It is so easy to feel overwhelmed and to get caught up in what you think they ‘should’ be doing to set themselves apart from the thousands of applications an institution will receive; but the reality is the more we focus on the ‘should’ the more distant we become from the ‘individual’. Colleges are looking for their applicants to represent who they are and what’s most important to them. They want their students to tell a ‘real’ story; not a fabrication.  Check out this interesting perspective from WEADMIT.
